Saturday Update with a Surprise!

Imagine our complete surprise when Alexia's sister Suzanne walked in the room this afternoon!  She moved mountains to be here from California and we still can't believe she is her for two days before continuing on to Orlando for a business trip.  What a joyful reunion!
As we have shared many times, Ethan's hospitalizations and recoveries have been anything buy typical. However, we are pleased to share that he has had the most peaceful and restful 18 hours post surgery he has ever had.  Ethan left Recovery yesterday afternoon and returned directly to his room – bypassing a stay in the PICU.  This was a HUGE milestone!  Since then his medical team has managed his pain and discomfort flawlessly.  He has been calm, peaceful, relaxed and has slept most of the time.
Way to go Ethan!
Today (Saturday) will be a rest day – working to keep him calm and relaxed.  Tomorrow (Sunday) we will get Ethan up in his wheelchair for some sitting time.  By the start of the week (Monday) Ethan should be ready to engage in some light therapies.  He will continue with PT, OT and ST on a reduced level next week reuniting with his in-patient therapy team. Recovery is hard work.
Being back at
these past couple of days has seemed more like a family reunion than a hospitalization. Everywhere Ethan goes we run into members of Ethan's Medical Team

or members of Team Ethan.  Everyone is rooting for our E.
We feel and appreciate the love and prayers and we know we are all surrounded by so much good.

You continue to provide us with so much strength,
Alexia and Scott
