Back in the Hospital
Amazing how quickly things change. We know we live in a rapidly changing world but this is a bit too much.
Shabbat Shalom. Please keep Ethan in your thoughts and prayers.
Yesterday, Ethan woke up not feeling well. We thought (hoped) he had picked up a stomach bug at school. Wow – maybe he was doing something normal. Getting a cold from being around normal germy teenagers. Wishful thinking.
Remember, Ethan does not take the easy road for anything these days. So, around 5:30pm Thursday, his Pediatrician's office sent us to the Emergency Department for abdominal x-rays. We decided to go to the satellite hospital as it would be faster to get things done. After reading the x-rays, the doctor broke the news to us that they needed to transfer Ethan to the Main Hospital (CCHMC). We arrived at CCHMC at 11pm and were admitted to a floor room at 1:45am after additional consults and more x-rays.
Ethan is presenting with an obstructed bowel. He has been admitted to the hospital for observation. What happens next is unknown. We are going to try some non-surgical procedures to help. Surgery will be a last resort. So – as we have done in the past we wait. Many questions, few answers. Ethan Time.
Today marks 9 weeks since Ethan's last discharge. We finally feel semi-adjusted at home. Ethan has made big improvements in his comfort level, his feeding has greatly improved and he has yet to develop a fever at home. Progress – one step at a time.
So, we will start over. Can we pass 9 weeks once Ethan is discharged?
Please say a prayer for Ethan this evening.
Searching for strength,
Alexia and Scott
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