Dear Team Ethan,

Nothing is normal anymore. Nothing seems to come natural or easy. We are tired. It has become very difficult to post updates on Ethan. Please know that all of your support is appreciated – your prayers, your love and your contributions to Help Hope Live.

It has been a long time since we have posted as we try to stay positive and forward thinking, however, the past three weeks have been incredibly difficult for our family and for Ethan.

Ethan has been in the hospital three times over the past three weeks. Each admission has been for unrelated reasons. But each admission is a challenge. The day or night begins with 4-6 hours of assessments in the Emergency Department followed by hours of settling into his new room within the hospital. Managing the discomfort is always a priority, but not always achievable. This current admission is due to severe pain and discomfort and managing the pain is more challenging than ever.

Ethan's Medical Team is working to identify the source of his pain. Until more information is known, Ethan is receiving several different pain medications to keep him comfortable.

Please send Ethan strength and prayers (Reminder: his Hebrew name is Eitan Chaim ben Elisheva v'Shmuel).

Chazak – Stay Strong,
Alexia and Scott
